102 posiedzenie IOC WMC – relacja 
W dniu 26 marca 2021 odbyło się zdalne posiedzenie IOC WMC.
Program spotkania:
Fellowship and Registration – online
(New Members’ sub-committee meeting)9.30 – 10.00
1. Opening of the meeting and approval of the agenda
Prof Marek Cała – Chairman of World Mining Congress
INTRODUCTION 10.00–10.10  
2. Welcome addresses by Polish official/s10.10 – 10.25
2.1. Representative of Polish Ministry of State Assets, Department of Mining
2.2. Dr. Adam Mirek, President of State Mining Authority
2.3. Prof. Wacław Dziurzyński – Chairman of the Committee of Mining Polish Academy of Sciences
3. Country paper – Mining Sector in Poland – present day and future trends.                                                                                                                  10.25 – 12.00
3.1 KGHM Polska Miedź S.A. (copper, silver, gold)
3.2 Polski Grupa Górnicza (Polish Mining Group) (hard coal)
3.3 Jastrzębska Spółka Węglowa JSW S.A. (coking coal)
3.4. Lubelski Węgiel Bogdanka S.A. (hard coal)
3.5. PGE GiEK S.A. (brown coal)
3.6. Polish Aggregates Producers Association
Coffee break/ networking12.00-12.20
PART II12:20–13:20
1. Report of the Sub-committee for admittance of new members  Prof Leopold Webber                                                                                                              12.20-12.30
2. Report from the Auditors for the 2016-2020 term12.30-12.45
3. Election of the Chairman of IOC WMC for the term 2020-202412.45-13.00
4.  Observations by the members, any other business13.00-13.20
Closing of the meeting13.30
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Relację przygotował:
Prof. Piotr Czaja Przewodniczący Polskiego Komitetu Światowego Kongresu Górniczego