102 posiedzenie IOC WMC – relacja | |
W dniu 26 marca 2021 odbyło się zdalne posiedzenie IOC WMC. | |
Program spotkania: | |
Fellowship and Registration – online | |
(New Members’ sub-committee meeting) | 9.30 – 10.00 |
PART 1. | |
1. Opening of the meeting and approval of the agenda | |
Prof Marek Cała – Chairman of World Mining Congress | |
INTRODUCTION 10.00–10.10 | |
2. Welcome addresses by Polish official/s | 10.10 – 10.25 |
2.1. Representative of Polish Ministry of State Assets, Department of Mining | |
2.2. Dr. Adam Mirek, President of State Mining Authority | |
2.3. Prof. Wacław Dziurzyński – Chairman of the Committee of Mining Polish Academy of Sciences | |
3. Country paper – Mining Sector in Poland – present day and future trends. 10.25 – 12.00 | |
3.1 KGHM Polska Miedź S.A. (copper, silver, gold) | |
3.2 Polski Grupa Górnicza (Polish Mining Group) (hard coal) | |
3.3 Jastrzębska Spółka Węglowa JSW S.A. (coking coal) | |
3.4. Lubelski Węgiel Bogdanka S.A. (hard coal) | |
3.5. PGE GiEK S.A. (brown coal) | |
3.6. Polish Aggregates Producers Association | |
Coffee break/ networking | 12.00-12.20 |
PART II | 12:20–13:20 |
1. Report of the Sub-committee for admittance of new members Prof Leopold Webber 12.20-12.30 | |
2. Report from the Auditors for the 2016-2020 term | 12.30-12.45 |
3. Election of the Chairman of IOC WMC for the term 2020-2024 | 12.45-13.00 |
4. Observations by the members, any other business | 13.00-13.20 |
Closing of the meeting | 13.30 |
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